Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Blog, new Club :)

As I said in the rpevious post, I have a new Club - RoyalCity which actually has a purpose andis very original (:
With it, came a new blog which relates to the Club & has a lot of other interesting & different things like Make up tutorials, Celebrity Outfits & Presentation College + much much more !
Follow us there : :)
Byee :*

Love ya all

Ruzicanstvena ^^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RoyalCity (:

ROYAL CiTY A Club created especially for the ones who need help or the ones who just want to help others ^^ (:

If you are one of them – Joiin :D

The idea is to help (in different ways) everyone who needs it (:

To read about Us & Our ideas & projects go to : Ruzicanstvena (owner of the club) -> RoyalCity-> Presentation of the club :D
JOIN us- more [ My New club ]