Friday, September 17, 2010

I was doing a quick research! :) ;)


Today - Our CoverGirl is flomachine! She really deservs to be Covergirl! :) If you visit her (which you can do by clicking on her name in the recent sentance ) you'll see that she has a very different,unique & her own style which is very interesting too! Her suite is very cool & different then the usual ones & the outfit is really brilliant! The Girl is just unique and special on her own way! And guess what? I couldn't help ,but wonder: 'Did she sent many broadcasts?Did she win her CG prize by sending broadcasts?Is she one of "those girls"? ' So , I researched - and watched broadcasts for a while & I discovered that she didn't send 1 broadcast to make ppl vote for her! For the last 10 pages of Stardoll Broadcast History her name didn't show neither once.. That proves that she won this ladyship of CoverGirl on pure & honest way..She is one of that girls who are modest ,but know that they have to show this world what they've got! Congratulations from one's heart! :) YOU deserve it! I hope that there are more such a talented,fashionable & unique girls on this world! (I know there are!)

And there is something more! I looked for the 2nd & 3rd place of CoverGirl & discovered that they're : summer-muffin-2nd place-(The Girl that was already a CG - once-2010-08-23)

& nats_1624 -3rd place- ( The 2nd TOP BROADCASTER - I looked at the table)So.. I really dislike the girls who become CoverGirls only cause they're sending broadcasts! CoverGirls should be the girls who are fashionable,stylish,unique on their own way ,but also different & cool like todays one : flomachine who can wear - with proud- lable : I'm the CoverGirl & who can have the trophy in her suite on which stand the greatest words of Stardoll & a dream of all Girls here on Stardoll : COVERGIRL!

Ruzicanstvena :) Hope you liked it! ;)

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